Aftermath of a car crash at night

Am I At Fault? A Guide To Understanding Fault In A Rear-End Collision

As a driver, one fear could be looking into the rear-view mirror and seeing an oncoming vehicle not stopping and crashing into you. Additionally, another fear could be taking your eyes off the road momentarily and rear-ending another vehicle.

After an accident, one of the most prominent questions, after assessing if there are any injuries, is who was at fault? Insurance companies in particular will ask about this so they can begin the process of awarding or penalizing drivers involved in the accident.

Determining Who Is At Fault

It is clear to determine which driver is at fault for some accidents. For example, if there are only two vehicles involved in the collision and one driver’s front part of their vehicle hits the backend of another driver’s vehicle, then the driver behind the other driver is most likely at fault for the accident.

However, not all accidents are the same.

For example, suppose one driver cuts off another vehicle, and due to that initial driver’s actions another driver accidentally rear-ends the vehicle. In that case, the initial driver could be punished with most of the blame while the second driver only faces some responsibility. Each state varies in regards to its discipline of drivers involved in accidents (known as “at fault” or “no-fault”). California is an at-fault state meaning that the driver responsible for the accident is also responsible for any damages related to the incident.

Additionally, California does not require personal injury protection. That means drivers only need minimum coverage which does not include should another driver get hurt in an accident. This is an added insurance coverage that is recommended to drivers, but not necessary.

I Was Injured In An Accident, Now What?

Being injured in an accident at no fault of your own can be frustrating and exhausting. That’s why the team at The Sexton Law Firm wants to help. We have the experience and knowledge to fight for your best interests so you can focus on your recovery. Contact us today online or by phone. (619) 202-8976
